Pembroke Tutors

Private Tutor Brand & Web Design



Logo & branding
Website design

The Brief

Pembroke Tutors reached out to me to create them a personable brand and website for their private tutoring company based in London. Upgrading their branding and site allowed us to give them a more professional appearance and reach their target audience.

The Squarespace website has HubSpot functionality integrated into it by the use of both embedded and linked forms to allow parents to easily book.

Pembroke Tutors share their wisdom with students of all ages to give them the best educational prospects.

 “Kathryn has been an absolute pleasure to work with. I am very pleased with all of the work she has done for us and I am very grateful to her for her patience and responsiveness to all of my questions throughout the process.”

Anastasia Baker of Pembroke Tutors, London, UK


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